Spiritual Retreats
Oracles of the Divine Spiritual Journey
( Therapeutic > For retreat purposes Only
This service is meant for spiritual or meditative retreats and requires intake forms to be filled out priorto the event
​ {A} We Come To YOU ! Book us for any 1-4 day event/ retreat:
The experience includes our opening engagement with the group. Introducing ourselves, and then using ice breaker games to create a relaxed atmosphere. Each guest will receive:
A set of services you as host preselect for your guests.
You will choose one service offered from each Oracle.
All of your guest will receive the same services.
In addition to the aforementioned services we do offer Holistic Counseling, post therapy this can be as a group or individual .
The set of services for each Oracle are listed in the boxes below. Please choose one service from each Oracle to complete your package.
​​Venue requirements for the "We Come To YOU" event:
**The host will need to provide an event space that is hospitable and provides discretion and privacy to the guests and the Oracles.
There will need to be 2 separate, private spaces for the Oracles to set up and make guests comfortable during their sessions.
Refreshments should be made available for the Oracles in between guests during the entire time the Oracles are working . This is required for grounding and preparing for the next guest.
Participants will need to send their email addresses for intake forms to be sent, filled out and emailed back prior to the event.
Note What happens on the Journey stays in the Journey room.
​​Price: $200 per person** This includes a service by each Oracle. ​A non refundable deposit is required at booking to save the dates. A video chat with host (s) at least 3 days in advance of the event are required to assess set up details and any additional needs prior to our arrival.
​**There will be an additional fee for travel expenses and overnight stays based on length of event and mode of travel i.e. flights vs. car . This will require several emails and other methods of contact to set up the reservations for us.
​{B} You Come To US ! We will select dates and place.
We will be offering retreats in selected areas, for example Cabins in national or state parks, some hotels and other event venues. This will work a bit differently because you will be selecting where you stay and take care of your needs while attending our seminars and booked services.
This service is meant for spiritual or meditative retreats and requires intake forms to be filled out prior to the event.
​We will book our own accomodations. There will be space for services as well and communial spaces for group activities and interactions.
In most cases, you can book accomodations at the same site, come with a friend and book accomodations that suit you and your group. Splitting your costs for your stay. You will be resposible for your meals and any additional health requirements during the retreat/seminar.
There will be scheduled events and an itinerary will be given so you can attend the activities and services you choose.
We will make sure to list distances to local food stops and stores for your convience during your stay.
Cost of the events will vary due to locations, how you book your stay ( alone or with friends) etc. Our fees will be listed and what is included in each retreat. Watch for notifications of these on our facebook group ,and on this website. We usually choose early fall and late spring so weather is accomodating for outside activities. We look forward to the events and hope to help you find what you are here for in this life.
Email us with any questions or request at: Oasissacredspaces@gmail.com
Services that can be included with your retreat :

Select one service from this section

Transpersonal Crystal Reiki Therapy
Laying of Stones ( in person only )
This is a holistic healing modality that includes the art of crystal healing and counseling. This is meant to integrate mind body and spirit, into a balanced state of being. Lets take a soul journey together.

Allow Brandi to attune and balance your energy zones . Her practice of Reiki alignment is a gentle therapy that involves the channeling of various light and sound energies, to help remove blockages and putting the body back in balance. This promotes natural healing and a sense of relaxation.

Select one service from this section

No one source tells it all. You will choose the cards, the runes, or even mystery bag items that have messages for only you, regarding daily life , love and the possibilities that are available to you during this earthly experience.

Hypnotherpy: with NLP techniques
This practice guides you into a relaxed, focused state. Then you will be asked to think about experiences and situations in positive ways that can help you change the way you think and behave. You will be guided to using positive words and thoughts creating peace and happiness as the goal.

Included in the Retreats at no additional cost
(during the Event dates only)

Holistic Counseling with the Oracle(s)
As you begin working through these holistic processes you may find you need to explore more deeply than the initial treatment. This type of holistic counseling is a way to put in perspective and address these feelings, that have surfaced since the initial treatment sessions. You will need to speak with us and describe your symptoms, thoughts and feelings, during breaks in our scheduled services. We will then make an appointment for one or both of the Divine Oracles to work further with you.